So, you and the kids are stuck at home and looking for something to do. Instead of watching the same TV show repeatedly, try your hand at some easy crafts using things from around the home. These can provide a fun way to pass the day, allows you to get creative, and gives you something for the house that you made yourself.
New Picture Frames
We all have those wooden pictures frames, and some of them are nicer than others. For those pictures frames that could use a nice touch, this craft is for you. You can decorate the picture frames with many things around the house. You could use shells from the recent beach trip, or broken crayons. This craft is simple to do, as long as you have glue, a picture frame, and something to add to the picture frame. Can’t seem to find anything lying around to spruce up a frame? Take a quick look around your yard. You might be surprised to see the pretty rock, the oddly shaped stick, the swirling colored flower, and other often missed natural items that surround us.
Cardboard Castle
This craft is perfect for those who want to escape to the past. You can take a cardboard box, and that can be the primary wall. Then you can take toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls to build the towers. These can provide the basic castle structure. Then you can let your imagination take over.
Water Bottle Piggy Bank
This craft can be fun and help teach kids to save their money. For this craft, you can take a simple water bottle and cut a slit on one of the sides. You can then add legs from the tops of the water bottles and ears from other bottles. Then you can give your piggy bank some eyes by using wiggly eyes. Once you give the water bottle a pink paint job, the pig starts to take form.
Bird Feeder
This is another water bottle craft that can help feed the birds and allow you to see nature at your windows. Take the water bottle and cut it all the way through at several places. Then you can add wooden spoons through the water bottle. Add seed and tie a string at the top of the water bottle, and you have a simple bird feeder. You can add decorations and color to the outside to make it pop.
Sponge Boat
This can be a simple craft for those who want to compete. Take a sponge and put a popsicle stick through it. To make the sail use some duct tape and you can make as colorful of sail as you like. Put a small hole on one side of the sail to attach to the popsicle stick, and you have a little boat. You can then race these across the bathtub.
These are five straightforward crafts that can be done with things commonly found in your home today. You can get as creative as you want and these will provide a break from the TV.