Placing candles in candle rings enhances the look of the candle. You can use candle rings to decorate your dining table for that romantic dinner, or for any occasion for that matter.
Although candles by themselves add warmth and liven up most situations, placing them in candle holders or rings make them even more endearing. Candle rings are specifically used to hold pillar candles, however, you can use just about any candle to decorate your table.
You can use these candle rings as centerpieces to adorn the dinner table or present them as takeaways. The point is that, it is relatively easy to assemble, hence, saving your time, energy and even money.
Making Them…
What you need:
» Beading wire
» Beads
» Plastic/lace flowers
How to make it:
Step 1: Cut the beading wire into twelve 8″ strips.
Step 2: Pass the beads into a strip of wire.
Step 3: Twist to secure the bead in place.
Step 4: Repeat for all other strips of wire.
Step 5: Using a bangle, twist the remaining wire into a circular shape.
Step 6: Wind the wire strips around this frame.
Step 7: Twist to form a tornado.
Step 8: Wrap the exposed wire with masking tape or a colored paper of your choice.
Step 9: Stitch/stick the flowers on to the paper.
Step 10: Dust it with glitter.
Step 11: Place tea lights or candles in the ring.
Your stylish candle ring is ready!
Another option is to make a wire spiral with beads and using it as a candle ring. It is good to use for pillar candles used to decorate tables at a wedding banquet.
Types of Candle Rings
Beach Candle Ring
What you need:
» Disposable plate/Circular cardboard sheet
» Sand
» Shells
» Glue
» Push pin
» Hot glue gun
How to make it:
Step 1: Dip the inner side of the plate in glue.
Step 2: Allow the extra glue to drip.
Step 3: Sprinkle or dunk it into the sand.
Step 4: Allow to dry.
Step 5: Use the hot glue gun to secure the push pin in the center.
Step 6: Secure the shells in place.
Step 7: Allow to dry.
Your beach candle ring is ready!
Easy Potpourri Ring
What you need:
» Disposable plate/Clay plate
» Potpourri
» Hot glue gun
» Metal ring/Flat head pin
How to make it:
Step 1: Use the hot glue gun to fasten the potpourri.
Step 2: Fasten the pin/ring in the center.
Step 3: Place candle in the ring.
You candle ring is ready to be used.
You can also use wicker basket lids, to make your potpourri candle ring. Using potpourri to decorate the candle ring lends the candle a colorful look. Besides, it makes the candle smell magnificent.
If you want to use fresh flowers to make your candle ring, we suggest you use a polystyrene sheet or a floral foam. Do remember, however, to use it along with a base plate so that it doesn’t fall apart.