Looking for heart clip arts for your new project? Well, all you’ve got to do is go through this CraftCue article, and choose from a wide range of heart clip arts given here. You will surely find one that fits the message you intend to convey.
“If there are as many minds as there are men, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.”
― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
The heart symbol has played a major role in romantic graphics over the years. Right from vintage greeting cards to the modern-day messaging icons, hearts have been an indispensable part of communication. A simple design, whether colored or just its silhouette, conveys a lot more than what words can ever do.
Besides being an obvious representation of love, hearts have also been used to symbolize peace, harmony, and other forms of non-romantic love. Thus, they make simple graphics when you need to send important messages. Love heart pictures and clip arts can be made typographically, using various other patterns, colors, hues, and other interesting characters to make an otherwise simple visual speak a thousand words. So, here are some good pictures of hearts, click on the images that you wish to print. CraftCue provides you with over 50 printable heart clip arts in color and in black and white for whatever the reason or occasion.
Love Heart Clip Arts
* These images have been provided for personal use only. Please do not share, reproduce, or resell any of these images in any form.

These clip arts can be used for making posters, unique book covers, signatures for letterheads, greeting cards, or they can also be used as coloring designs for kids. This huge collection of heart pictures allows you to print them absolutely free of cost to make those zillion creative ideas come true. You can print these hearts on various types for papers for DIY projects too.
Hearts with flowers, medical icons, wedding pictures, or musical notes are apt visual aids to denote corresponding meaning of words. The best part about using graphics is that it completely averts the possible controversies that words can cause. So, use these hearts to spread love, happiness, and laughter all around you. As the more you share, the more you receive!