Paper mache is a wonderful craft technique. You can make attractive and creative crafts that are not only eco-friendly but also inexpensive. Here are a few recipes to make paper mache crafts.
Paper mache is a fun craft activity that could be done at home. All the materials required for a paper mache project are usually readily available at home. It is known as one of the most versatile crafts. Sometimes it is spelled as ‘papier-mache’ also.
You can create anything and everything that strikes your imagination using it. It is a fun project using recycled papers. You can use anything from old newspapers, gift-wraps, used stationery, to grocery bags.
If a project includes a particular shape or a huge item with a hollow inside, you can use cartons, cans, or styrofoam to give a desired shape.
You can make puppet heads, dolls, bowls, dollhouses, decorative boxes, and many more items with paper mache. You can paint or decorate a project after it is finished. To prepare a paste, you need the following materials.
Using Multipurpose Flour
Here are the things you will require, for making paper mache using multipurpose flour:
◘ 3 tbsp. sugar
◘ 2 cups cold water
◘ 2 cups boiling water
In a bowl, make a paste using the multipurpose flour and cold water. Boil 2 cups of water and add this mixture to it. Stir continuously to avoid any lumps from being formed. Bring it to a boil and remove from the heat. Stir in the sugar and mix well. The mixture thickens as it cools.
Using Wallpaper Paste
If you want a project to last for many years, instead of flour you could use wallpaper adhesive or paste. The reason is flour paste could become moldy in a humid environment. The materials that you need include the following:
◘ 3 cups of water
In an old bowl, mix water and wallpaper paste till it becomes a smooth paste. It is ready for use.
Note: Wallpaper paste is available at any hardware store.
Using Glue
Another recipe is by using glue. The materials required include the following:
◘ 1 cup boiling water
In an old plastic bowl, mix glue and boiling water to make a smooth paste. This paste could be used as a wet glue to make projects.
If you want the paste to last longer, add a few drops of wintergreen oil. Try using non-porous wallpaper adhesive in a humid climate. It is wise to use a wooden spoon to stir and a plastic or rust-proof bowl to mix the ingredients. Remember, projects would be messy; cover your floor or work area with old newspapers or old cloth. Use your creative ideas to make wonderful wall hangings, bowls and masks using the paper mache techniques.